- Welcome the participant and thank them for taking the time to participate in the research.
- Explain the purpose of the research and what you hope to achieve.
- The purpose of this research is to test the usability of this tool and functionality. Our hope is that with this data, we’ll have a good understanding of which parts of the platform can be improved and make it easier for folks to use!
- Ask if they have any questions or concerns before beginning.
Background Information
- Ask the participant to briefly introduce themselves and their background.
- Name, current job/role, industry they work in
- Ask them about their experience with the product or service being researched.
- Have you used DataGather before? y/n
- Ask them about any similar products or services they've used in the past.
- Explain the task(s) you want the participant to complete.
- Create an account
- Create an interview
- Connect a database
- Where would you go if you needed to connected 2 databases?
- Provide any necessary instructions or guidance.
- Encourage the participant to think out loud and share their thought process as they complete the task.
- Take note of any issues or challenges the participant encounters during the task.
- Ask the participant to share their overall thoughts on the product or service being researched.
- Ask them to identify any features or aspects they particularly like or dislike.
- Ask them to suggest any improvements or changes they would make to the product or service.